
Research and teaching @ TUHH

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Seminar: Constructive Algebraic Geometry

  • Functions on affine varieties
  • rings of regular functions
  • valuation rings and basic properties.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Discrete Algebraic Structures - Lecture 5

  • Überabzählbarkeit der Menge der reellen Zahlen
  • Kontinuumshypothese
  • Elementare Zählprinzipien
  • Doppelte Abzählung, Inklusion-Exklusion
  • k-Kombinationen von n, Binomialzahl.

Computational Biology - Lecture 5

  • General algebraic statistical models, DiaNA
  • maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
  • fully observed toric Markov model
  • fully observed Markov model, MLE.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Seminar. Constructive Algebraic Geometry

  • graded rings and homogeneous ideals
  • graded modules and graded homomorphisms
  • graded resolutions and Hilbert's syzygy theorem
  • Hilbert function and Hilbert polynomial.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Discrete Algebraic Structures - Lecture 4

  • Permutationen vom Grad n, Zykeldarstellung, Signum
  • vollständige Induktion
  • Peano-Axiome, Aufbau der natürlichen Zahlen
  • Abzählbarkeit
  • 1. Diagonalisierungsmethode (Cantor).

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Computational Biology - Lecture 4

  • Normal cones and normal fans
  • pollytope algebra
  • Newton polytopes
  • polytope propagation 
  • finding the optimal alignments for all scores - example

Seminar: Constructive Algebraic Geometry

  • Evaluation codes.
  • Reed-Muller codes and Reed-Solomon codes as evaluation codes.
  • Hermitian codes.
  • A result of van Lint on evaluation codes.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Discrete Algebraic Structures - Lecture 3

  • Digraphen, Wege und Kreise,
  • Äquivalenzrelationen, Äquivalenzklassen, Quotientenmengen, Partitionen
  • Halbordnungen, halbgeordnete Mengen
  • Abbildungen
  • Gleichheit und Komposition von Abbildungen
  • Spezielle Abbildungen

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Computational Biology - Lecture 3

Topics - Combinatorial Geometry:
  • convex sets and polytopes, affine sets, cones, dimension
  • hyperplanes, supporting hyperplanes
  • faces, normal cones, and normal fan of polytope.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Seminar: Constructive Algebraic Geometry

  • projective n-space
  • homogeneous ideals
  • projective algebraic sets
  • Zariski topology
  • irreducibility and dimension

Friday, November 4, 2011

Discrete Algebraic Structures - Lecture 2

  • Mengen, Mengenverknüpfungen, Rechenregeln, Potenzmenge, Mengensysteme, Antinomien
  • Geordnete Paare, Paarmengen, n-Tupel, kartesisches Produkt
  • Relationen, homogene Relationen, inverse Relation, Allrelation, Gleichheitsrelation
  • Komposition von Relationen, Rechenregeln.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Computational Biology - Lecture 2

  • Sum-product decomposition of marginal probability
  • Tropicalization of sum-product decomposition
  • Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, example.