- Einheiten in kommutativen Ringen,
- Fundamentalsatz der Arithmetik,
- Lineare Gleichungen in Restklassenringen (Z mod n und Q[x] mod f),
- Berechnung von Inversen
- Nullteiler in kommutativen Ringen,
- Integritätsbereiche und Körper
Research and teaching @ TUHH
Friday, January 28, 2011
Discrete Mathematics I - Lecture 13
Heutige Themen:
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Computational Biology - Lecture 13
Today, the following topics were on the roster:
- Closure theorem,
- parametric representation,
- implicitization theorem,
- model invariants for algebraic statistical models.
Computational Biology,
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Lecture 13
Today, statistical sampling methods were considered. Here are the topics:
- Statistical mechanics,
- canonical and micro-canonical ensemble,
- observables and partition function,
- molecular dynamics simulations (verlet and velocity verlet algorithm),
- consideration of time step,
- improvement of simulation (cutoff, distance, and multipole schemes),
- standard Monte Carlo method,
- calculation of partition function,
- importance sampling,
- sampling of protein structures.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Discrete Mathematics I - Lecture 12
Heutige Themen:
- Hauptsatz der Arithmetik,
- Restklassenringe modulo Z bzw. Q[x].
Computational Biology - Lecture 12
Yesterday, we resumed with the introduction into algebraic geometry:
- ideal-variety correspondence,
- elimination theorem,
- extension theorem.
Algebraic Coding,
Computational Biology,
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Lecture 12
Today, we will give an introduction to 3D structure prediction of proteins:
- Force fields (CHARMM, Oobatake-Crippen),
- rigid geometry models,
- buildup method,
- basic heuristic methods,
- conformational space annealing,
- HP model.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Discrete Mathematics I - Lecture 11
Kurze Einführung in die Teilbarkeitslehre (Ring der ganzen Zahlen, Polynomring):
- Division mit Rest
- ggT und kgV
- Euklidischer Algorithmus
- Satz von Bezout, erweiterter Euklidischer Algorithmus.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Computational Biology - Lecture 11
Today, we will give an introduction to affine algebraic sets:
- Hilbert's Nullstellensatz (weak and strong version),
- correspondence between affine algebraic sets and ideals.
Computational Biology,
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Lecture 11
Today, we finished the considerations about 2D structure prediction:
- Nearest neighbor classification (intrinsic dimension, Bhattacharyya distance).
- Consensus prediction
- Neural network classification (Rost-Sander approach).
Friday, January 7, 2011
Exams in the Winter Term
Written exams:
- Bioinformatics, Feb. 8, 2011.
- Discrete Mathematics I and II, March 21, 2011.
Discrete Mathematics I - Lecture 10
In der heutigen Vorlesung wurden folgende Themen behandelt:
- Aufbau der ganzen Zahlen
- Definition von Ringen und ihre Grundeigenschaften
- Polynomringe
- Binomialsatz
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Computational Biology - Lecture 10
Today, we will finish the topic on Groebner bases:
- Minimal Groebner bases,
- Reduced Groebner bases,
- Buchberger's S-criterion,
- Buchberger's algorithm.
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Lecture 10
Today, an introduction to the prediction of secondary protein structures was given:
- GOR method,
- Chow-Fasman method,
- Generation of sample sets,
- Nearest neighbor classification.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Reed-Muller Codes - Revisited
Recently, we published the article:
- From Ideals in Polynomial Rings to Linear Codes Using Groebner Bases, Int. J. Pure Applied Math., vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 41-53, 2010.
Algebraic Coding,
Discrete Math
The Reluctant Mr. Darwin
The other day, I read the book The Reluctant Mr. Darwin from David Quammen, 2006. The book provides insight into the course of Charles Darwin's life from his return from the voyage on the Beagle until his death. Darwin spent years to catalogue the vast collection of specimens he brought back. He was a self-taught scientist and eventually came to a theory of evolution. He was reluctant to publish but first choose to share his ideas with colleagues. He was afraid of a public backlash and sometimes diverted his attention and energies elsewhere. In the meantime, another scientist, Alfred R. Wallace, independently came to the same ideas about evolution. Then Darwin's colleagues eventually convinced him to publish his theory. His book, The Origin of the Species, found both, acclaim and dislike.
German translation:
German translation:
- David Quammen: Charles Darwin - Der große Forscher und seine Theorie der Evolution, Piper Verlag, 2010, 9,95 €.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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